Browsing All posts tagged under »amends«

Winding Down

December 28, 2012


As we move forward in life and these years wind down, I find myself – perhaps typically – nostalgic and pensive about the present, past and future. The past year has been a roller coaster of life. Births and deaths, triumphs and well… non-triumphs. And all through it I am grateful to have remained sober. […]

Dog Shit in the Kitchen

October 16, 2012


Sometimes I am selfish and go to sleep without letting Saucy out for a final pee or poo. Last night’s selfishness manifest itself into a giant dog shit in the kitchen, which inevitably leads back to me, to my failure to let her out and my selfishness in choosing to go to bed over choosing […]

Nick of Time

August 24, 2012


I was going to write a post about how I got out of the industry in the nick of time, but really, this recent syphilis outbreak is no different than any of the other things. Plenty of people work knowing (or at least suspecting) they will have dirty tests come the next round. There were […]

Dark Roast and Finger Puppets

July 18, 2012


New bag of coffee from Costco, the Kirkland Dark Roast to replace the Peet’s I so obnoxiously demanded we drink each morning. Turns out the stuff gets under my skin and makes my feet and fingers move just the same, and is about one-third the price. Constantly re-evaluating my financial choices, and knowing that I’ll […]

Nerves: The Watery Mouth, Wait, I’m Going to Barf, Feeling.

July 9, 2012


Racked with nerves. Trying desperately to remain unattached. I am not going to read any reviews lest I may believe all of them. Bullshit. Already read one. It was good. Still don’t want to believe it because if that review is right then so are the ones that will say it is bad, which I’m […]

Book Cover: Unveiling?

May 14, 2012


holy. shit. It’s all happening. (yaaaaaay!!!!)

Marty McFly and the Time Machine

April 4, 2011


So many times in life, I’ve wished I could go back and change something I said or did. I tell myself, like any good, trying to move forward type person, that “I will neither regret nor wish to change the past,” but truth be told, everyone has a day or eight they’d love to go […]

In his eyes….

December 4, 2009


I sat outside my favorite coffee spot this morning awaiting his arrival. I didn’t eat breakfast, afraid nerves may get the best of me and induce physical vomiting in addition to the emotional I anticipated, so my stomach growled a bit as I watched cars pass, wondering if one might be his. Wondering if perhaps […]

Procrastination Station

December 4, 2009


Amazing how many things come up when all I want to do is call somebody. There is grocery shopping to be done, house cleaning, a ton of dishes that need washing (even though they sit clean in my cupboards), catching up on that book I promised my brother I would read, snuggle and nap time […]