Browsing All posts tagged under »school«

5 Years

April 29, 2014


Today marks the five year anniversary of my very first post on BecomingJennie. It’s hard to believe that five years have passed. It seems it’s just as difficult to know where to end as it was to know how to begin. I suppose, like anything, I simply should start at the beginning.   April 6th, […]

Checking In

September 21, 2012


Mentally: Exhausted. Being sick is exhausting. Missing school, work and internship creates backlog of mental work regarding the needs-to-be-done pile. Reassessment to come next post. Physically: HA! Finally went to school and had energy to study. So I overdid it and am back home feeling like doodoo. *sheesh* Emotionally: Lots of feelings come up with […]

Lighting up the Sky

August 31, 2012


“Even After All this time The Sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me.” Look what happens With a love like that, It lights the whole sky.” A quote by the Sufi poet, Hafiz, from a friend (many thanks for this day opener). The day began with a friend and a text message. Yesterday […]

“Perfection Adjacent”

April 3, 2012


Lawd. Have. Mercy. It’s over. Thank you Margieville, for the incredible and succinct description of my statistically insignificant completion. I don’t know if I’ve squeaked by with a B- (you brilliant thing you!) but I have most likely passed. And right now, that is all that matters. Never before have I  let those words escape […]

Medical Limitations? Being Human

September 7, 2011


School has started, and not surprisingly, I’ve overextended myself. I hate saying it, I especially hate writing it, because it is a glaring reminder of that which I cannot change, my humanity and inability to do everything I want to do, perfectly, but it is a reminder nonetheless of all I am working toward, and […]

UCLA Admission Decision

April 25, 2011


Dear Jennifer: After careful review of your application for admission, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission for the Fall Quarter 2011. UCLA continues to receive more applications for admission than we can accommodate. Given the high caliber of the applicant pool, admission decisions were difficult and involved hard […]