Browsing All Posts published on »June, 2012«

Pre-order Special Details!

June 25, 2012


All right. So, in my last post, I mentioned that I would have the details for a special pre-order deal. Pre-order deal time! If you pre-order the book, not only will you get $11.00 off the hardcover price (13.76 nstead of 24.99!), but for the first 100 people who send a screenshot of the receipt […]

Africa, to Home

June 22, 2012


I didn’t know what I would see/feel/think/act like/be upon arriving in Africa. I’d convinced myself it would be so foreign that I’d feel completely alone, even with my father and sister by my side. With all the excitement and generalized anxiety that arose on account of the book release, I mixed my anticipation of this […]

Count the Coincidences

June 15, 2012


As the year progresses on, I find myself overcome with the emotions that accompany great success, the great unknown, and a power greater than myself hard at work. If ever I have struggled with accepting that power as greater than myself – as I once did and hesitantly renamed it gravity – I now can […]